Sun, 6 Nov 16

Block 8, Wave 1 - Events

After a hellacious two days with way too much driving, way too little sleep, and so little food that it's amazing no one around me spontaneously kicked the bucket from the pure and unadulterated grumpiness emanating off of me, I was finally able to get in my training on Sunday morning.  Friday I had class all day, left early, drove 4 hours to a wedding, then had to get up at the butt crack of dawn the next morning for an all day PT conference at UMD.  The worst part of this entire thing was that I had packed up all my food for the time I would be gone, but I walked out the door without it because I was in such a rush.  So from about 12:30pm on Friday through about 8:00pm on Saturday I had a miniscule meal with portions for ants at the wedding, a couple eggs late Friday night, and a crappy sandwich, apple, and cookie at the conference for lunch.  And nothing else.  I had literally no time to go to the grocery store or stop anywhere to buy food.  I was led to believe I would be served breakfast at the conference.  This was not the case.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not to be let out in public in a hungry state, especially without the promise of impending food.  So the fact that I was able to do anything remotely positive in training was a welcome surprise.  It actually ended up with everyone having a strong training day with multiple PRs on log and yoke.  Now for the good news: I hit my first really big rehab goal of getting back up to a 300 lb log C&J.  However, the bad news was a depressing revelation: my knee is still not able to handle yoke walks over 800 lbs.  This means I will not be able to compete in Maryland's Strongest Man in 2 weeks.  Based on the weight (850 for 50' in a medley with a 700 frame carry for 50') and the scoring (not finishing the yoke = bombing the event), I am not going to compete in a competition where I will score zero on an event, which pretty much relegates me to last place or close to it, but even more importantly, I go full potato in competition and the risk or re-injuring myself would be very high.  I do not want to start back from square one with rehabbing my knee or risk doing further damage that might require surgery rather than just conservative rehab.  To end on a happier note though, I will still be competing in the Highlander competition at Brute Strength Gym next weekend where I get to throw shit while rocking my gnarly kilt over my swamp shorts.  Win, lose, or suck donkey nuts that is gonna be a fun time for sure.

Weight For Height

1ea x 28 over 8'

1ea x 28 over 10'

1ea x 28 over 12'

2x1ea x 56 over 8' - Missed with my left arm both times because I was releasing too early.

1ea x 56 over 9' - Much better for both sides.

1ea x 56 over 10'

1x56 over 11' - Right arm only.

1x56 over 12' - Right arm only; this was my best throw of the day.

Log C&J (clean once)

complex x 85

complex  x 135

complex x 175



1x300 - Hell yes, finally back up in the 300s!

A video posted by Andy Deck (@andydeck) on


100' x 250

50' x 450

2x50' x 650 - First run was complete trash, second was better, but still slow.

25' x 750 - This was the best run I did today.  I wish I had kept going the full distance, but I needed to test out 850.

10' x 850 - Everything was awful about this and no part of my body felt like I should be doing this weight yet, not to mention struggling through another 40' (if even possible) followed by a 700 lb frame for the same distance (although I actually feel pretty good with frame/farmer's at that weight on its own).  So no go for me at MD Strongest this year.


5x50' x prowler+90

10x50' x prowler+140