Week 2 of 3-week Phase of Barbell 'Re-Acclimation" & Conditioning

Ok this title might be a little mis-leading haha, yes I probably did set like a 100lb Power Clean PR, but that's because I've only done heavy power cleans a handful of times in my life (mostly in high school, when I weighed a svelt 150lbs). I got my USAW Certification last year and have practiced the weightlifting progressions plenty of times, but rarely tried to see what I can actually do cause I've had meets approaching and didn't want to risk injury. Since my next meet isn't till Fall, I figured now would be a good time to brush up on things since it is a part of my job. 

I'm flipping my squat and deadlift days around so that way I deadlift on the weekends, so that way I can pull at the EliteFTS Compound when I train there. So rather than repeat my squat workout again or pull twice this week, I decided to do my normal deadlift assistance work and do some power cleans instead of deadlifting (since I'll be doing that Saturday). I practiced hang cleans and full cleans for a while with light weight, and then worked up to 250lbs pretty easily, but I am RIDICULOUSLY slow at punching my elbows through to catch the bar. I knew the strength and power was there to get 275 and then maybe 300, but I missed 275 a bunch of times by just not getting my elbows through quick enough. I'm in the bad habit of trying to "grab" the bar once it's up there instead of letting my hands back and punching my elbows through. It was encouraging though to know that the weights were moving really easily. My goal is to do some light sets of hang cleans over the next few weeks and just practice hip drive and my elbow positioning for the catch. My goal isn't to become a weightlifter, but it was fun messing around with these a little bit!


*500 meters on rower

*3 sets of mace swings with ShouldeRok

*Couple short trips back and forth of:

a. Toe touch to leg swings

b. Lunges

c. Hip flexor stretch/Spiderman crawl

Strength Work:

A. Heavy Kettlbell Swings - 3x5

B. Power Cleans - up to 250lbs, then a million practice sets.


C. Beltless Pause Front Squats - 3x5 w/ 245lbs

D. GHR - 3x8

E. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x10


*Intervals on Rower Tomorrow*

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