Lots of shoulder pain today. Something tweaked after squats on Saturday, and pain started to shoot down my bicep. Way overdue for a deep tissue massage, so hopefully that will help relieve some pain.
Warm up: DB presses supinated grip / pronated grip 3 x 10 each
Facepulls x 25
Bench opener and possible second attempt:
bar x 10, bar x 5, 75 x 3, 95 x 2, 115 x 2, 135 x 1
opener: 145 x 1
second attempt: 165 x 1
- Incline presses with shoulder saver pad for the obvious 3 x 10 (105lbs)
- Eccentric Fatbell presses 3 x10 (35lbs)
I think the deadlift deserves it's own post. What a mental rollercoaster today was. I refused to leave the gym without hitting what I wanted, and did almost anything to get there. I needed today.
Todays agenda was opener and second attempt with reverse bands
Warm up: mobility exercises, wall squats
Bar (60lbs) 2 x 10, 110 x 5, 150 x 2, 200 x 1
When two plates are on the bar that's when I start implementing knee wraps.
240 x 1, 275 x 1, 310 (opener) x 1, 340 with reverse bands (second attempt) x 1
Seated Good Mornings 3 x 20
BW GHR's 3 x 10
Fatbell (40lbs) Swings with band resistance 2 x 20
Hamstring Curls with mini band - 3 x 10 each leg
Hanging Abs 3 x 15