I learned today:
Some airlines will beat you up
Some Doctors should never be allowed to practice after their licenses have been revoked
Most of the World doesn't like the United States
Half of the American population doesn't like the United States
Pro Athletes need rest before the playoffs
Every fitness expert is an expert and they will try their hardest to impress other fitness experts
Everyone is lifting and smashing it
All bodybuilders are getting gains with a z at the end
Many people have cameras at meal time.
and I learned all this in the first three minutes of my morning ritual. Then I flushed it all away.
Today's Training:
Giant Cambered Bar Box Squat: Work up to a heavy (not a max) 3 reps.
Dead Lift vs. Band Tension: Work up to 37% of max then start adding bands to pull agains the most amount of band tension you can for one rep.
GHR: 1x10xBW....3x10x25 lb vest
Super Legs x 20 reps x 6 sets
split squat
rear stepping lunge
jump squat
jump lunge