Meana had originally planned to compete in a USPA meet on December 15th, but unfortunately found out that the meet is already full. Rather than to let the meet prep that she had already started go to waste, she opted to compete in the APF Gulfcoast Winter Bash on December 1st. Since we were losing a couple weeks of training, we had to make some modifications, but I’m confident that she’ll be ready.
This week she worked up to 420 for a double with reverse light bands on squats, 205 plus 80 lbs of chains for a double off of 2 board on bench, and 285+120 lbs of chains for a double on deadlifts. She is still right on track to hit her projected numbers or more. Nice work Meana!
Although I’ve made some modifications to Meana’s training, the EBook has 3 interchangeable programs so that you can focus on your weak points as well as to keep the program interesting.
The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook
The M2 Equipped Training Ebook