I am finding a recurring theme in my training. I never feel completely recovered from one session to the next. Anyone who reads my blog knows that my recovery is not for lack of effort. I put a lot of time into taking care of my body.
Unfortunately, I fear my training frequency is causing the issue. I have been on an upper/lower split training each body part two times a week for as long as I can remember. Being old, I am reluctant to change.
I guess it's not simply because I am old that I don't want to alter my schedule. Science leans towards hitting muscles twice a week for hypertrophy. However, a big caveat to be considered, are you recovering before you train that particular muscle the second time around?
The answer for me is a resounding no! When I train hard I am not recovered by the next session. If I don't train hard I feel like what's the point? I'd rather train each bodypart hard once a week rather than mailing in the second session of the week.
Is this the case for many of us mature lifters? I don't know. What I do know is training hard for the better part of four decades puts me in unfamiliar territory. I don't think too many of the studies out there cater to my issues.
I have to take the science along with my experience and try and make the best decisions I can on how I feel and what I want. I'll let this ride for a month and report back. Keep your fingers crossed.