I said yesterday that I was foreshadowing my rule 22 when I wrote about spending.
I believe the most important investment is in YOURSELF.
No, this is narcissistic. I am not saying go out and spend your hard earned dollar on stuff. We don't need stuff.
Spending doesn't give a long term return. Investments do!
What am I talking about...Investing in your education. My house has a daily dose of 15 minutes of reading "self improvement" books. Why 15 mins? Done that way over the course of a month, I get through an entire book. Mind you, I read slow. I ponder things that I've just read. I re read things to make sure what I think might be important is stored into my main drive.
I get through a book per month, that is 12 books per year. When I consider the last book I read in COLLEGE was "Curious George Goes to Washington" and then put the self improvement learning experience away for roughly 8 years, 15 minutes was all I could tolerate and now multiply 12 books per year times then which is about 2200 years...I'm pretty diverse in my education and thinking.
I INVEST one hour per day in my Physical Fitness. Shit! Imagine me telling a de-conditioned person how to get into shape if I was 50 pounds overweight and couldn't squat, bench or deadlift. Practice what you preach! I do.
I will be in my 6th decade this January. I don't appreciate it when people say..."I hope to be in your shape when I'm 60." Fuck that! You wish you were in my shape at your age NOW! I can tear the ass end off a charging rhino. That's because without failure or excuse, I don't go to kill a workout, or smash a session. I simply invest in my wellbeing and for me that is the ability to squat, bench, and deadlift a lot of weight, to carry a low percentage of body fat, and be able to still sprint, or trail run or ride my bike without thought of needing to first get into a shape, or the argument of not being able to finish what I started.
Invest in your SPIRITUAL self. I'm not saying you have to have a God. (although I do) You might be the sort that has a connection with nature. Then by all means, explore THAT. If you have no God, no nature and all you believe is the SCIENCE of what is...then please, invest in THAT! There MUST be something bigger than yourself! Let me repeat that because THAT is significant....
There must be something bigger than yourself.
Rule #22 Invest, don't spend.
Today's Training:
Pull ups: 200 reps. Use a band if needed to aid in this
DB Dead Stop Rows: 5x8
DB Pullover: 4x12
Knees to Elbows (suspended): 4x12
Windshield Wipers: 3x10
Hyvk Truck front plank out and backs: 3x10
DB Curl: 4x8 super set w/
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 4x12\
Hammer Curl: 4x8 super set w/
Dips: 4x15