It might seem ridiculous, but challenges in life are what make life worth living. The greatest joys in life come not from avoiding problems but from tackling problems. Even if you can’t solve these problems on your first try, you can feel better about yourself for having the audacity to take them on.
These are such important things to remember when life gets tough because they help keep you focused in the face of adversity. You might not want to come to terms with stress like this, but it’s much preferred to keeping your negative feelings bottled up. Our problems really are only as big as we make them.
When you remember these things, you don’t avoid tough situations entirely. What happens is that you take the power out of tough situations. They no longer become insurmountable obstacles that make you cower in fear. Instead, they become just like any other situation that you can deal with. These aren’t just things to remember. They’re things to help make you a stronger person.
GHR's or Glute/Hamstring Raise is a MUST have in ALL Strength and Conditioning Programs.
If your gym doesn't have one, you're not training in a gym. You're working out in a health club
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Dynamic Box w/ a pause on the box: 12x2@50%
3x5x10 lb med ball as a warm-up
3x6 x 10 lb med ball with negative accentuated reps for work sets
Reverse Hyper: 4x8 x a total of 180 lbs w/ slight momentum swing
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2 x failure. No kipping and the knees MUST touch the elbows for the rep to count.
Bike Commute: 17 mins. Yep, I was in the Tour de France with an electric bike again.
AirDyne II: 30 mins
Meridian Exercises