I realized that today when I was stuck for a response to a question or had the opportunity to offer a suggestion, the person I was dealing with would ask one of those head twisting questions that most would respond "what the fuck?" or by pass in total, my response.
However, I diffused most of those with instead of "what the fuck?" with ..."That's amazing" it turned out better than if I hadn't.
More often than not, a simple beating about the head and shoulders would be sufficient, but there is too much drama and legal issues to contend with afterwards. A simple, "that's amazing" covered so much more with so little effort.
Give it a try the next time you want to slam someone. It's quite satisfying.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 22 minutes
To be done DAILY!!!
2 sets of 20 reps of the following exercises *
Reverse Hyper
Back Extension
Side Flexion
Suspended Knees to Elbow
DB Lateral Raise
Push Ups
* ONE set of Rear Delt Destroyers modified:
Main Lift:
C/S Row: 4x10k
Pull ups: 15x1
Chin ups: 15x1
Pullovers :4x10
Prowler: 10x40 yds
Bike Commute: 30 mins.
Sprints: 5x100 yds