16 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

I'm approaching my max effort bench days differently moving forward (at least until I get closer to meet time). Every other week will be a max effort bench (w/ either partial ROM, accomodating resistance, or in the bench shirt); and then the weeks in between will be submax 5x5 volume & stability work. In looking at what's worked for me in the past, and taking some things from guys like Mike Strom, Casey Williams, and Matt Smith; I think waving intensity smarter will get me stronger and keep me healthier moving forward. Today I chose to do close grip bench. Normally my max effort bench is Monday and max effort squat/deadlift is Tuesday; but I've leaving on a work trip to New Orleans Tuesday morning through Saturday so I pushed everything forward a day so I can get as much training in as I can before I leave..

A1. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown - 4x10

A2. Pushups - 4x15

B. Close Grip Bench


2x5 w/ 250lbs

3x5 w/ 275lbs

C1. Kettlebell Chaos Bench - 3x8

C2. Chin-Ups - 3x12

D1. Tate Presses - 4x12

D2. Seated Cable Row - 4x10

E1. Band Tricep Pushdowns - 3x25

E2. Dumbbell Curls - 3x15

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