2016 has been a productive strongman season returning back to the sport. In June I took third place in the Open SHWW with United States Strongman. In September I won the HWW America's Strongest Master with Strongman Corporation. I would like to continue to make improvements and push my performance considerably for next year.
As of right now, I have no competition plans until next year. I am not sure what they will be but am using this down time to address some weaknesses, particularly 12" log and circus DB. Grip training will return as well.
I have trained since my last post but need to find the written log to catch you all up.
In the meantime, on Monday I rolled in to the gym early to get some kind of work in. It was all by feel and motivation which is seriously lagging right now. This is the time training should count and the gains are made. My head knows this, my motivation screams otherwise.
135, 5x5
COC 2 - 3x3
Fat Block Pinch
Worked up to 55 lbs one hand.