Several years back I acquired two bulged discs from doing isometrics pulls into pins, this was no one's fault but my own as I allowed myself to get out of position. Fast forward 3 years and I am handling weight 175+ pounds more on squat and deadlift which will lead to some compensations. These compensations were kept down, in my opinion, due to getting massages 2x a week and allowing my back to actually relax. In attempts to not make this a full out article and more of a blog, I am quickly going to run you through what "we" think the issue is.

5 weeks prior to the last meet on 3rm deadlifts felt like the right side of back went out, chiro could not help, Dani LaMartina (Overcash) remotely aided me to decreases the pain (manage) it enough where I could compete and finish the meet. Deadlift was still a huge issue, grip and a HARD left rotation was happening, but not a helicopter rotation, a CNS or activation deficiency. I was not doing well keeping up with exercises and then finally after an AMRAP on the bench my back locked up, thus occurring on all 3 lifts. It was time to get picked apart. I contact a local Chiro that Julia worked with in the past and was also an expert in DNS.


What was noticed:
*Squat Left Shift with a right trunk rotation during eccentric
*right foot out more for squat and deadlift but does not externally rotate well leading to the aforesaid statement. Cannot sit into right hip
*ankle position/slope of right foot drastically less than left


*Bench bad hip extension
*left arm is lead arm creating a right trunk rotation.
- Is left arm weak?

*Deadlift pelvic rotation

Short of the long, my right glute is not developed as good as my left, potentially not firing either during squats or deadlifts leading to a shift. My lower abdominals are weak as heck and keeping me from a "good brace", my obliques are weak as crap and I need anti-rotational work bad. So what we are goin to try is Ante-Pelvis drills from the DNS methodology (3 month supine, pelvis tilt)

*Bench more Left internal abdominal pressure and oblique contraction

*right oblique and obliques in general strengthening

*right glute med and min development by keeping foot straighter in training
- band variation
- reaching / anti-rotation

*learning how to brace and correct pelvis with lower abdominals by themselves and not rely on glutes as you will see in the video.