Haven't posted in a while, but I've been hard at work, getting ready to take another crack at 700. After the debacle on the 15th, I decide to compete in the RPS Christmas Carnage on December 6th. So after a couple of days of feeling sorry for myself, I for back to work on the Thursday following the meet.
Didn't do anything special. just worked up to 5 raw singles with 315 at the local place, focusing on speed off the chest and technique. I still felt like I was shaking off being sick, but I felt pretty good with how light the weight was.
Did a few sets of upper back work on the row machine, and before I knew it my time ran out in child care and I had to pick up the boy and hit the road.
Also, since I've decided not to cut weight for Carnage and just focus on the bench, I'm going to get fat. Really fat.