I’ve decided to start compiling my own “articles of the week” that go up here on EliteFTS. I’ve been an avid reader of EVERY article for roughly the past 5+ years, and it’s the sole place that I go to increase my knowledge base, lifting, coaching, and personal growth. If you aren’t reading the articles on this site, you are really doing yourself a disservice! With that being said, here is the week in review of articles I either found interesting, useful, or just down right awesome. These are articles that spiked my interest and only reflect my views, but check em out and you can expect these every weekend for a LONG time. Enjoy!

WATCH: Reno Hardcore with Guest Chris Duffin by Chad Aichs

Juarez Valley 8 Deadlift Workout by Josh Bryant

Finding Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong by Pete Stables

Bottoms-Up Training: Fix Your Shoulders and Pressing Technique Today by Joel Seedman

Communicating Your Vision by Todd Hamer

3 Reasons You Can't Lock Out Your Deadlift by Joe Schillero

WATCH: Training Camp Q&A - Recovery and Weight Class Transition by Team elitefts

50 Things All Handlers Need to Know by Eric Maroscher

WATCH: Table Talk - Musclar Balance in Training Programs by Dave Tate

WATCH: Interview with Stan Efferding and Mike Dolce by Chris Duffin


The Happiness Advantage by Casey Williams

"It WILL Pay Off": A Message for Those Struggling with Mental Illness by Joe Schillero

Major League Wisdom: 4 Interviews All Baseball Strength Coaches Must Hear by Mark Watts

5 Misconceptions Beginner Lifters Make by Dave Tate

Two and Out by Dave Tate

Is An Image Worth More Than 1000 Words? by Dave Tate

PART 2 - You Can't Serve Two Masters-Or Can You? + Training Template by C.J. Murphy

Recap Of My First Meet In 1983 by Dave Tate