Today was a raw bench day.
I finished my last raw cycle in time for the meet, so it was time to start another one. This time, I decided to take advantage of a new toy, and use my red shoulder saver pad that elitefts sent me last week. It's smaller than the black one, and seems to be equal to about a 1-board, maybe slightly thicker.I've never taken a max with this tool, so I wasn't quite sure where to set the weight (program calls for 82%), so decided to just go by feel. I settled on 315, because it was fairly easy, but I know it will add up when I'm doing 6x6 with it.
Did 6 sets of 2 and got through it with no issue, although my arms are still a little sore from too much grip work this week (I was bored and grippers are addictive).
Finished with 5 sets of 15 shrugs with 225 on a fat bar, 4 sets of 14 rope extensions, and 4 sets of 15 dumbbell curls.