The guys and I were having at it this morning training Bench and some of it's accessories when we got back onto the subject of my new rule in my gym about Political Correctness.
I called for a PC stoppage last week allowing my folks to not worry about what they say or how they say it.
So far it's been AWESOME!
A great example happened today. I often use a PRE to gauge how much weight a person should go up while getting near their maxes. I could tell one of my guys was getting close to his max, so I asked him, "McLove'n on a scale of 1-10 what do you give that lift?" When he responded, opening with a "Well, I ummmm..." I shut it and him down with an expression that most of the people I train call "The Look". Then I said, "It's a NUMBER I'm looking for, not an explanation! WHAT Ef'n NUMBER do you give it?"
Everyone started laughing. McLove'n is a school teacher and has to make EVERYTHING politically correct for all the sissy Mommies and Daddies who are over sensitive. He hasn't had to get to the brass tacks of getting to the POINT in quite a while.
We were having quite the chuckle over his description of some of the Parent/Teacher meetings and how lightly he needs to tread.
The final analysis coming from another team mate's wife who wasn't present yet had a powerful statement when she said..."When you are EXPLAINING you're losing" ~ Robin Carr
That hit home for me. I don't like losing, and IF I have to explain myself to someone while a make a statement, a suggestion, an answer to a direct question and I have to "lose" then I plan on NOT responding and will refer back to "The Look".
"Anderson Bench" Work UP to a heavy three reps. I was over the weight that usually scares the EF out of me, because of my old torn pec(S). Anything over 315 makes my heart thump, blood pressure rise, and my pupils to dilate.
I was OK today, so much so, that after a 2 minute rest, I hit it again for one more rep.
DB Floor Press: 5x20x75
Push Ups: 200 reps
Band Push Down: 200 reps
Prowler: 8x40x +20 lbs over last week
Pull up totals=1529
Push Up totals=2061
Prowler: 4560 yards