My wife and I were walking our dog the other day and she asked me what I was thinking about? I looked at her and gave her the blank stare and said...nothing.
I am one of those people who can actually be void of thought. Serious, not quiet and pensive thinking about other things. I can be so in the moment that I am without a thought at all.
She called it "meditation without the ceremony."
I called it putting your ear next to mine and hearing the ocean!
I like to listen! I can hear things.
When it's dark, I can listen even better because it's quiet!
Today's Training:
Dynamic Bench: 8x3@60%
4 board Press:
1x3@ the same 60%
1x3@+20 lbs
1x3@+50 lbs
1x3@+75 lbs
Push Ups: 115 in as few sets as possible for men...65 for women
Overhead Press: 5x2@125 men 55 for women
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30@ something light