Sat, 26 May 18

Events @ the Unit

I was home for the weekend so I was training from my normal world strongman headquarters - my storage unit.  Today the planned focus was more on reps than going heavy  to prevent getting too beat up this close to competition time and everything was awesome.

Circus DB C&P

band warmups

2x5ea x 115 - First set was slow and strong, second set I flew like an the sea.

5ea x 135

5ea x 145

All sets were 5x right arm then 5x left arm.  Video is of last work set.

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Seated Arm Over Arm Prowler Drag

50' x prowler + 200

50' x prowler + 250 - This run was super fast until the end when I bobbled the rope, as you can see and hear in the video.

50' x prowler + 290

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Atlas Stone Shouldering



2x4x280 - Video of first of these sets.

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All sets were alternating shoulders and this is the easiest 280 has ever felt.