Thursday was a no go. The body was feeling it. Which, by the way, makes sense. I can go 6 solid weeks before I need to take a little break and that's exactly what happened. Even though I can't train heavy, Six weeks seems to still be the limit.
I was a little tight from standing on the sidelines, sleeping in a hotel bed and being smashed in a bus for 12 hours (total) so I spent some extra time stretching and warming up.
- SSB Box Squat: 205/225/245x3/265x9
- Hammer Row: 5x10
- 10 Minute Circuit
- Pushdowns: 100
- Push-ups: 50
- DB Curls: 75
Pretty good day. Five more weeks of football season! I have to re-focus for NOV at Jim's in early December. We're also doing our own strength staff NOV (Festivus) meet during Finals week. Whatever I don't do up at Jim's I'll do with my staff.
Off the top of my head I think I'm going to Squat at Jim's. I did 335x3 a few months ago. I may try the same thing and see if I can get more reps? Not sure what else I'll do up there. Depending on my shoulder progress I may do a Push-up Challenge, of sorts. Or, I might just Squat and then do a Bench workout. I'll do Deadlift at Festivus, unless Jim Deadlifts. In that case, I'll definitely cave to peer pressure and have to figure out what I'll do with my staff.
None of this impacts any of you that are reading. I'm telling you anyway.